
Have you ever felt like you were alone, though you're sorrounded by people all the time? Ever felt like you were watching your life just run away in slow motion and there's absolutely nothing you could ever do to change the things that happen? Like when one of your best friends dumps her boyfriend but feels the same as if she would have been the dumped one, or another friend ignoring you. Telling you that you never listen to her, that you don't ever take her problems seriously? And then you just go around in school, in almost complete circles around and around over and all over again, thinking about everything but what's happening. You can see and understand what happens but you don't know why you feel so lonely like an outcast. Like a left-over. Like when people talk to you and you answer it's not actually you answering, it's who they think is you answering. Or, even worse, it's who you think you are answering. It's almost like your life was a movie and you are just one among everybody else, watching it.

This may not make sense to people who don't know me or people that don't know what's happening in my life, but feel free to comment (in whichever language you prefer, I'm the only weird person here that actually enjoys writing in English in an otherwise Swedish blogg).


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